Get free, confidential, 24/7 help with Opioids from certified medical experts.
Call our helpline: 1-888-688-4222

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Free, confidential hotline: 1-888-688-4222

Local medical experts offer patients, providers, and family members opioid information, resources and referral 24/7. Translation services available.

Any question. Any concern. Any time.

If you suspect someone is having an overdose, call 9-1-1

How to identify an opioid overdose:
  • Heavy nodding, deep sleep, hard to wake up, or vomiting
  • Slow or shallow breathing (less than 1 breath every 5 seconds), snoring, gurgling or choking sounds
  • Pale blue or gray lips, fingernails, or skin
  • Clammy, sweaty skin