Faculty Spotlight: Shalini Sharma, PhD August 31, 2015 Faculty member relishes the opportunity to the impact lives of the next generation of researchers
Faculty Spotlight: Farshad Fani Marvasti, MD, MPH May 14, 2018 Farshad Fani Marvasti, MD, MPH, to discuss the healing powers of food at Mini-Medical School community lecture series.
Faculty Spotlight: Taben Hale, PhD May 01, 2015 Focusing on cardiovascular disease, her research seeks new ways to prevent the further deterioration of tissue after suffering an injury
Faculty Spotlight: Shenfeng Qiu, MD, PhD March 31, 2015 Shenfeng Qiu, MD, PhD, is an assistant professor in the department of Basic Medical Sciences at the UA College of Medicine – Phoenix. His research is on arguably the most...
Faculty Spotlight: Deveroux Ferguson, PhD January 14, 2015 Researcher attempting to unlock the mystery behind depression