- Year 1:
- Banner inpatient consult service.
- VA inpatient consult service.
- VA outpatient.
- Phoenix Children’s Hospital – pediatric endocrinology.
- Barrow’s Neurological Institute neurosurgery/pituitary.
- Year 2:
- Banner inpatient consult service.
- VA inpatient consult service.
- VA outpatient.
- Elective.
- Research.
- Year 3 (optional):
- Independent supervised research.
*There are four weeks of vacation each year.
During the second year, fellows will complete a four- to five-month minimum research requirement with appropriate protected time either at the Carl T. Hayden VA Medical Center or NIDDK, NIH Phoenix branch. Current ongoing research is in the areas of:
- Genetics and epidemiology of diabetes in the PIMA Indian Population.
- Macrovascular complications of diabetes.
- Vascular biology.
- Novel risk factors for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular outcomes.
- Epidemiology of diabetes and atherosclerosis.
- Health delivery systems to improve diabetes and its complications.
- Hypertension.
- Pituitary hormone deficiency and growth hormone replacement.
- PET and MRI imaging in vascular disease and endocrine disorders.
- Obesity and related metabolic disorders.
- Smartphone applications in health care implementation.
- Male reproductive endocrinology.
- Testosterone and estrogen replacement therapy.
- Nutritional effects on immune regulation and insulin resistance.
- Novel applications of diabetes medications.
With available funding, fellows may choose to expand their research skills during a third year of training during which they will perform independent supervised research. Third-year fellows would be expected to design, prepare and conduct a research project. Manuscript(s) preparation for publication in a peer-reviewed journal is expected.