General Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for a faculty award, applicants must have an active faculty title with the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix.

Early Career Excellence Awards recognize those in the first five years of their academic medicine career. Nominees cannot have received their initial title (from any institution) more than five years ago. They must have been at the College of Medicine - Phoenix for a minimum of one (1) year.

Current department chairs, center directors and deans are not eligible.

Nomination Requirements

Faculty may be nominated through a one- to two-page letter of support written by the nominator. The letter should include details and examples of how the nominee meets the award's criteria. A nomination can be strengthened by providing additional letters of support from other college leaders, such as their department chair, division chief, UME or GME director, program leader or other colleagues.

Self-nomination is possible. If self-nominating, provide a one- to two-page letter that includes details and examples of how you meet the award's criteria. In addition, provide a substantial letter from a College leader (chair, division chief, UME or GME director or program leader) who supports the self-nomination.

Letters should be in narrative format. The extensive use of bullet points is discouraged. Documentation related to the award categories must be limited and follow the guidelines associated with each award.

Selection Process

After the deadline, the Honors and Awards Committee will review all nominations to ensure the specific criteria have been met for each award. The committee will discuss and vote on the award submissions. All members of the committee have an equal vote. Members will be recused from any discussion involving an award for which they submitted a nomination or for which they are a nominee. If needed, former committee members or previous award recipients may be invited as ad hoc members for the discussion of a specific award. The list will be presented to the dean, or a designee, for final review and approval.

Award recipients will be recognized at the Fall General Faculty Meeting. If no qualified applicants are nominated for a specific award, it may not be given.