The college’s Guiding Coalition for Anti-Racist Transformation in Medical Education will be comprised of seven spheres, or functional areas:

  1. Clinical – Anti-racist graduate medical education, anti-racist clinical practices, impacts of racism and oppression on patients, focus on system-level solutions to end racist practices in education and clinical delivery.
  2. Curriculum – Anti-racist pedagogy, faculty development on teaching anti-racist medicine and white supremacy, and curricular initiatives in undergraduate medical education.
  3. Student – Student experience, culture and climate from an anti-racist perspective; advising practices that actively address racism, promote equity, and improve trust between students and student affairs; address issues that students underrepresented in medicine may face.
  4. Admissions – Anti-racist admissions practices, K-12 pipeline programs, Pathway Scholars Program, diversifying student body to reflect populations in Arizona.
  5. Staff – Staff experience, culture and climate from an anti-racist perspective.
  6. Faculty – Faculty experience, culture and climate from an anti-racist perspective, faculty recruitment, retention and promotion practices that advance racial equity.
  7. Research – For those interested in research from an anti-racist lens, health equity research, anti-racist medicine, anti-racist pedagogy (includes postdocs).

Each sphere will consist of 7–10 members, with two designated co-leads.

  • Membership terms – One-year commitment required; members are encouraged to serve more than one year.
  • Monthly meetings – For the first four months, all Guiding Coalition members are required to attend the monthly meeting (90 minutes). Thereafter, at least one sphere member is required to attend, and anyone else who would like to come to the monthly meeting is encouraged to attend. All sphere members should attend the monthly sphere meetings (60-90 minutes). These meetings include professional development opportunities, check-ins, updates, time to troubleshoot/eliminate obstacles and manage resistance, etc.
  • Monthly tasks – In addition to attending sphere meetings, members may be asked to:
    • Attend scheduled workshops related to anti-racist topics.
    • Assist co-leads in tracking change projects and actions, wins, and barriers on a shared template.
    • Work in between monthly meetings to accomplish tasks related to change projects or actions from your sphere.
  • Sphere co-leads – Track change projects and actions in your sphere and report back to Guiding Coalition; plan and facilitate monthly sphere meetings; reach out to Guiding Coalition facilitator with any concerns or questions.