College Committees
- College of Medicine – Phoenix Committees Directory 2024-25 (PDF).
- Includes membership and information about duties and activities for each committee.
Admissions Committee
This committee will be responsible for considering recommendations of subcommittees, reviewing and final selection of applicants for admission to the MD, MD/PhD and Pathway Scholars Program at the U of A College of Medicine – Phoenix. Its decisions regarding such selections will be final and not subject to administrative or other review within the college.
For this committee, members spend approximately 175 hours from August to March each year participating in meetings and reading admission files. This committee meets twice a month from August to March.
Appointment, Promotion and Tenure (AP&T) Committee
This committee will review and advise the dean regarding each proposed faculty appointment, promotion and/or tenure above the level of assistant professor. Other related duties may be assigned by the Dean.
For this committee, members are regularly assigned initial title applications and promotion dossiers to review. This committee meets monthly to discuss and vote on these requests.
Curriculum Committee
This committee will work with the chief academic officer or designee to advance educational goals, review all components of the curriculum, establish the policies—including policies regarding assessment of student performance, criteria and its achievement of the program’s objectives—necessary to meet accreditation requirements and assure decisions related to the academic program are in alignment with college policies and LCME accreditation standards.
For this committee, members spend 5 to 10 hours monthly reading materials. This committee meets twice a month to review curriculum recommendations.
Faculty Advisory Council
This council is advisory to the dean, providing a voice for the faculty in the governance of the college. The council will meet quarterly and advise the dean on matters related to the mission of the college or that are of interest to the faculty.
For this council, members meet monthly to review faculty feedback and other important initiatives. This council meets quarterly with the dean.
Honors and Awards Committee
This committee is a standing committee of the College that is responsible for maintaining an inventory of honors and awards at the College, focusing primarily on faculty awards.
For this committee, members meet monthly.
Honor Code Committee
This committee will investigate and make recommendations regarding alleged violations of the Code of Scholastic Conduct (Code) to the Student Progress Committee. The committee has jurisdiction to review the Code and make recommendations to change the Code to the Student Progress Committee for consideration and implementation.
For this committee, members meet as needed.
Nominating Committee
This committee shall call for nominations for committee membership from the faculty-at-large.
For this committee, members are asked to review faculty nominations prior to the meeting. This committee meets two to three times annually during the faculty committee election period. They may also meet at other times throughout the year as needed.
Research Senate Committee
This committee advises the dean in all matters related to the research mission and strategy of the college. As such the committee functions to recommend: 1) initiatives that increase and improve the effectiveness of basic, translational and clinical research and training, including strategic programs and infrastructure; 2) plans that increase community awareness of biomedical research initiatives that impact on healthcare and 3) educational, public relations, advocacy and fundraising opportunities for research.
For this committee, members meet monthly.
Student Appeals Committee
This committee will consider appeals of final decisions of the Student Progress Committee. Decisions of this committee are binding and cannot be appealed further within the college.
For this committee, members meet as needed.
Student Progress Committee
This committee will have jurisdiction to consider all cases of unsatisfactory academic or non-academic performance, including discipline. They will have broad discretion to address issues related to a student’s academic progress and disciplinary matters and to formulate plans for progression and discipline in a manner consistent with college policy. The committee will also certify that students have met the criteria for promotion to the next academic level and have met the criteria for graduation and receipt of the MD degree. The committee will serve as the appeals committee when a student seeks a review of a decision by the associate dean for student affairs or the senior associate dean of undergraduate medical education.
For this committee, members meet monthly.
Committee Reports
To access the committee reports, sign in with your NetID and password. Contact your faculty coordinator if you need assistance with your NetID or need to reset your password.
If you have any questions, email