All individuals who teach or provide formal evaluations of U of A College of Medicine – Phoenix medical students, residents or fellows in a clinical or research capacity should hold a university faculty title. Faculty employed by affiliate institutions or in private practice are encouraged to apply for a non-salaried volunteer faculty title. For additional information about what is expected of faculty, visit our faculty expectations page.
If you are currently involved in medical education at the College of Medicine – Phoenix, fill out the online faculty application. Use these step-by-step instructions (PDF) for assistance.
Materials that you will need to apply:
- Current CV – Updated within the last year and reflects current/anticipated AZ employer.
- Must be in U of A required CV format (Word).
- Guidelines and FAQs (PDF).
- Must be in U of A required CV format (Word).
- Name and contact information for letter(s) of recommendation request.
- Candidate statement (one to two paragraphs that summarize your experience (academic, clinical and research) and explain your goals for the next five to six years.
Other Questions? Refer to our FAQs or contact your faculty coordinator.
Criteria for Teaching Faculty Titles
Contact your faculty coordinator if you have questions on the requirements or application process for a faculty title.
Non-teaching Faculty Titles
If you are not involved in teaching but need a faculty title for the purposes of credentialing at Banner – University Medical Center Phoenix, email your current CV to with your request for the faculty physician (non-teaching) title. Once your request is processed, you and the B-UMG medical staff services office will be notified.
If you later become involved in teaching, contact your faculty coordinator to apply for a teaching title.