The College of Medicine – Phoenix Graduate Student Travel Award is designed to assist graduate students attending and presenting their research at scientific meetings (with preference given to those attending national/international meetings). Applications for funding are accepted twice a year in October and April; deadlines will be announced by the Graduate Training Office. Awardees are selected based upon the scientific merit of their abstract, a letter of recommendation from their Principal Investigator or advisor, explaining the benefit of attending this conference, and the applicant’s statement of research and career goals.


  • The applicant must be enrolled as a graduate student at a public University in Arizona and be working with a Principal Investigator at the College of Medicine – Phoenix.
  • The applicant must be the first author of an abstract to be presented, and the abstract must be of the highest scientific merit as evaluated by the Travel Award Committee.
  • The conference to be attended must take place January 1-June 15 for October submission and June 1-December 31 for April submissions.
  • Students will be reimbursed up to the total amount of the award upon submission of itemized receipts for meeting registration, travel, housing and/or per diem expenses.

Applications will be submitted via email to Katharine Gonzales and will include:

  • A cover letter signed by the applicant stating the purpose and amount of the request (up to $750). The award may be used for domestic or international travel.
  • A copy of the program announcement for the conference to be attended.
  • A copy of the abstract to be presented.
  • A copy of the applicant’s CV, including education, honors/awards and publications.
  • A one-page letter of recommendation from the applicant’s Principal Investigator or advisor describing the applicant and the benefit of attending this conference.
  • A description of the applicant’s research and career goals (no more than 250 words).

Prior Awardees and Meetings Attended





Kimberly Meyers
Presentation (PDF)
Society for Neuroscience San Diego, California November 2016
Megan Turnidge American Association for Cancer Research Washington, D.C. April 2017
Nicholas Brookhouser International Society for Stem Cell Research Boston, Massachusetts June 2017
Jameson Gardner International Congress on Mucosal Immunology Washington, D.C. July 2017
William Martelly Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Cold Spring Harbor, New York August 2017
Kimberly Meyers Society for Neuroscience Washington, D.C. November 2017
Megan Rudolph Society for Neuroscience Washington, D.C. November 2017
Jeffrey Hanna Neurotrauma 2018 Toronto, Canada August 2018
Katharine Giordano Neurotrauma 2018 Toronto, Canada August 2018
Ashlee Harris Radiation Research Society Chicago, IL September 2018
Megan Rudolph Society for Neuroscience San Diego, CA November 2018
Katharine Giordano Society for Neuroscience Chicago, IL October 2019
Ashlee Harris Biomedical Engineering Society Philadelphia, PA October 2019
Megan Rudolph Society for Neuroscience Chicago, IL October 2019
Talal Zafar Society for Neuroscience Chicago, IL October 2019
Kendra Gray     Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine Grapevine, Texas February 2020
Ashley Guest MD/PhD National Student Conference Medical Scientist Training Program Virtual September 2020
Emily Tsutsumi American Association for Cancer Research Virtual April 2021
Luisa Rojas National Neurotrauma Society Virtual Symposium Virtual July 2021
Ashlee Harris Biomedical Engineering Society Orlando, Florida October 2021
Emily Tsutsumi American Association for Cancer Research New Orleans, Louisiana April 2022
Sukriti Bagchi American Association for Cancer Research New Orleans, Louisiana April 2022
Trevor Wendt Experimental Biology Philadelphia, Pennsylvania April 2022
Natascha Schippel RNA Society, Boulder Colorado Boulder, Colorado May 2022
Ryan Yellamaty RNA Society, Boulder Colorado Boulder, Colorado May 2022
Tabitha Green National Neurotrauma Society Atlanta, Georgia June 2022
Tala Curry Neuroscience San Diego, California November 2022
Natascha Schippel RNA Society Singapore May 2023
Ryan Yellamaty RNA Society Singapore May 2023
Tala Curry National Neurotrauma Society Austin, Texas June 2023
Katherine Giordano National Neurotrauma Society Austin, Texas June 2023
Connor Leighty National Neurotrauma Society Austin, Texas June 2023
Trevor Wendt American Physiological Summit   April 2024
Monique Martinez American Physiological Summit   April 2024
Natascha Schippel RNA Society   May 2024
Michelle Ennabe American Association of Neurosurgeons   May 2024