For all video and photography requests, please complete the Online Submission Form.

Video Request Requirements

  • Submit your request a minimum of two weeks (14 days) prior to your desired deadline.
  • Upon receipt of your request, you will be contacted by a member of Media Production to set up a pre-production meeting and discussion.
  • If applicable, the video must have a script prior to any shooting or editing.
  • Allow for a minimum of two weeks (14 days), per video, for the completion of the project.
  • Be aware that additional elements such as scripting, graphic creation, etc., may extend the time needed for completion. 
  • The draft process should mostly reflect appearance/aesthetic changes, but should not alter the foundational framework of the original script. If the video requires more than three drafts, a production meeting will be held to discuss further changes.
  • Purchase a thumb drive or hard drive large enough to accommodate your final projects. The project is archived for three months. After three months, no archival services are offered and no changes can be made. 

Photography Request Requirements

  • For portrait/studio photography, submit your request a minimum of one week (7 days) prior to your desired deadline.
  • For event/on-location photography, submit your request a minimum of two weeks (14 days) prior to your desired deadline.
  • Upon receipt of your request, you will be contacted by a member of Media Production to arrange the shoot time and location.
  • Allow time prior to the deadline for image editing/processing.
  • Be aware that additional elements such as major editing, graphic creation, etc. may extend the time needed for completion, and may require additional approval from Marketing and Communications.