Writing About Us

Our Voice. One Voice.

Just as your voice is unique and recognizable, so are strong brands. Our brand is the way we speak to our audiences. Topics will certainly change, our voice should remain consistent.

By using a consistent voice in our communications, we begin to build brand awareness. The goal is to have our voice gain recognition on its own.

Our voice and our brand are one — just as you and your voice are one.

How We Sound

Our voice reflects our values and communicates in clear, confident and accessible manner. It is clear and professional, without jargon or other language that might be confusing to the audience. It is caring, without being too casual.

Our voice is: We emphasize:
Professional, but not sterile The quality of our curriculum, faculty and staff
Accessible, but not amateur The personal, tailored experience we offer our students
Confident, but not condescending The profound research charges we lead
Proud, but not boastful

The personalized, high-quality patient care we offer

  Our strong ties to the community
  The connection to our University
  Our high-achieving alumni
  Our global reach
  Our history of advancement

Our copy is active, bold and connects the College to larger purposes and ideas. We personalize these bold statements with the use of the first person when referring to the College, our community and our constituencies.

Here are some ideas:

  • Create short, simple, bold headlines.
    Example: Who will move the world? You will.
  • Use active language.
    Example: What does it feel like to tag an asteroid? We’ll show you.
  • Say more with less.
    Example: U of A knows asteroids — 700,000 of them.
  • Use "we", "us" and "you."
    Example: We ensure that every aspect of your medical education is founded on leading-edge research, translational collaborations and inclusive excellence.
  • Use simple, declarative statements.
    Example: Make history with us. Again.
  • Leverage the unexpected.
    Example: This is not a sky. It’s a window. To the Universe.
  • Lead with benefits (What’s in it for me?).
    Example: It’s okay to be untamed. To push boundaries and ask hard questions. What you learn here will help you find purpose as you pursue your passions with confidence.