12 monthly webinar offerings

Use this Zoom link for every monthly meeting from 12:00 to 1:00 PM Eastern on the dates below

  • January 18, 2024 | Emotional Exhaustion before and after a Pandemic: The need for Well-Being that is Bite-Sized and Evidence-Based

    Presented by Dr. J. Bryan Sexton
    Emotional Exhaustion rates in healthcare are at historically high levels. In this session we will demonstrate what happens in our heads as our well-being is compromised, and how simple solutions can even be enjoyable.
    Recording | Post presentation evaluation
  • February 15, 2024 | Neuroscience of Hope

    Presented by Dr. J. Bryan Sexton
    This session demonstrates the evidence behind optimism as a muscle that can be strengthened, and provides a surprisingly simple intervention for cultivating hope.
    Recording | Post presentation evaluation
  • March 21, 2024 | Best Reset Button Available: The Science of Sleep with Tips and Tricks

    Presented by Dr. J. Bryan Sexton
    How long is a good nap? At what point is caffeine going to impact sleep quality? How important is a consistent sleep onset time? The answers might surprise you.  Here we recognize, anticipate and respond to human limitations associated with sleep deprivation. 
  • April 18, 2024 | Cultivating Well-being with Three Good Things

    Presented by Dr. J. Bryan Sexton
    The most popular of our well-being tools is back this month. This simple, enjoyable and remarkably effective tool can be used for 10-15 days, with measurable improvements across a variety of resilience metrics that endure for over a year.
  • May 16, 2024 | Signature Strengths at Work

    Presented by Dr. J. Bryan Sexton
    A deep dive into a part of our identities that we often overlook because we are so good at it.  Interestingly, focusing more on what we do well (e.g., gratitude, creativity, love of learning, etc.) helps in a variety of ways across our relationships, career and well-being.
  • June 20, 2024 | Bite-Sized Mindfulness: Being Present in the Age of Distraction

    Presented by Dr. Carrie Adair
    The data are clear: Mindfulness matters. We demonstrate what it means to be in the “present moment” or mindful, review the research on mindfulness for well-being, and how mindfulness can help communication and relationships. An opportunity to practice mindfulness is offered, as well as strategies to boost everyday mindfulness.
  • July 18, 2024 | Dealing with Difficult Colleagues: Assessing, Understanding and Improving Teamwork

    Presented by Dr. Kyle Rehder 
    Disruptive behaviors happen way too often.  In this session, we take a deep dive into this familiar concept, looking at drivers and things that impact the frequency and severity of these events.  Institutional and individual strategies for dealing with difficult colleagues are discussed.  
  • August 15, 2024 | Grief, Growth or Both?: A Primer on Recovery after Emotional Upheaval

    Presented by Dr. Carrie Adair
    Most humans are in the process of recovering what was lost in recent years - in this session we will demonstrate the way our brains process and recover from emotional upheavals and look at the evidence for do's and don'ts along the way.
  • September 19, 2024 | The Funny Thing about Well-being: Evidence for Humor

    Presented by Dr. J. Bryan Sexton 
    Humor works – it’s good for our marriages, our physiologies, and our ability to bounce back with enhanced perspective. In this session we will share recent evidence and a popular tool for cultivating the ability to find more things funny. 
  • October 17, 2024 | Evidence-based Sleep Hygiene: Advanced Insights on Rest for the Weary

    Presented by Dr. J. Bryan Sexton 
    Building on our wildly popular “Science of Sleep” session, this session goes deeper, with the latest findings to guide us through getting the best rest possible, and how to manage fatigue when it is inevitable.  
  • November 21, 2024 | Relationship Resilience: The Science and Practice of How Other People Matter

    Presented by Dr. Carrie Adair 
    This session describes how cultivating meaningful relationships is a health behavior, and how loneliness puts us at risk for lower satisfaction at work and in life, poorer immune system functioning, and even reduced longevity. Importantly, it is the quality, not the quantity, of our relationships that appears to matter most.
  • December 19, 2024 | Enhancing Well-Being: Survival of the Kindest

    Presented by Dr. J. Bryan Sexton
    We summarize the research to explain that there are demonstrably powerful benefits to being altruistic, and provide a framework for how to use Random Acts of Kindness at the individual and work setting levels.