
Career Progression

Advance your career with our signature development programs. Programs and resources related to:

Career Navigation Promotion and Tenure
Mentoring Navigating Political Structure
Negotiation Strategies Work-Life Balance

Scholarly Development

A series of on-demand learning modules for physicians as clinical scholars. Topics include:

Medical Education Scholarship Scholarly Projects
Turning QI into Scholarship Developing a Research Question in Medical Education
Writing Accountability Library Tools
Database Search Skills Resources and Support

Instructional Development

Develop advanced teaching and precepting skills. Topics include:

Teaching and Learning Assessment
Feedback and Communication Adult Learning Theory and Strategy
Teaching with Limited Time Bedside Teaching
Case Based Instruction Building and Sustaining Communities of Practice

Leadership Development

Leadership training for current and future leaders in medicine. Topics Include: 

Effective Communication Strategies Ethics
Team Building Leveraging Team Capital
Recruitment Writing Letters of Recommendation
Financial Management Strategy Leadership Negotiation
Quality Improvement Succession Planning

Career Development Resource Repository

The Career Development Resource Repository contains resources from a multitude of medical schools and other medical organizations. These include:

Executive Coaching Academic and Faculty Affairs Programs and Resources
College of Medicine – Phoenix and Tucson Groups and Resources U of A Resources and Programs
National Resources External Resources
U of A Office of Instruction and Assessment