Our program is a one-year program, dedicated to producing knowledgeable, confident, capable geriatricians who are prepared to begin a geriatric practice upon the completion of the program.

Program Objectives:
- To develop clinical competence that will cover the whole continuum of care of the elderly patient. This includes care of the healthy to the very frail, and the transition from home care to long-term care institution or vice versa, as well as providing palliative care for severe illness in hospital, post-acute and outpatient settings.
- To develop teaching skills that will allow the physician to pursue an academic career in geriatric medicine and to provide an opportunity to become a member of our dedicated faculty.
- To develop a knowledge base in economic, legal, ethical, and legislative issues that will allow the geriatrician to become involved in the community, either locally or nationally.
- To develop administrative knowledge and skills that will prepare the physician to pursue a medical directorship in a long-term care, Alzheimer’s unit, hospice unit, or home health agency.
- To provide scientific research opportunities with dedicated faculty during the fellowship that can lead to research career avenues.
If you have questions that are not addressed on our website, please contact us at 623-832-7661.
We look forward to hearing from you!
— Nimit Agarwal, MD, Program Director