Olympus Multiphoton FVMPE-RS Apollo System
With the Olympus FVMPE-RS, countless possibilities for deep imaging in biological tissues to reveal both structural details and dynamic processes. The system delivers unmatched high-speed imaging, essential for capturing the dynamic in vivo response, with fine laser control pinpointing the precise site for optimum excitation efficiency — even deep within the sample. Accompanied by high S/N-ratio imaging and dedicated Olympus multiphoton objectives, efficient detection of scattered fluorescence photons is also ensured. In essence, the Olympus FLUOVIEW FVMPE-RS unites high-speed, deep observation capability with multi-color imaging and powerful laser light stimulation, offering a no compromise solution to answer innovative biological research questions. The upright microscope is coupled with a Spectra Physics Insight DeepSee laser with dual pulsed laser lines (1040nm, and 700-1300 tunable). The system contains a galvometer-based scanner for high-resolution imaging, a SIM scanner for uncaging and a resonant scanner for high-speed imaging applications.
Zeiss LSM 710 Confocal
The LSM 710 is an inverted confocal microscope equipped to handle all your fixed tissue and live cell imaging needs. A confocal uses point illumination to help overcome some of the limitations of traditional wide-field fluorescence microscopes, including improved optical resolution at depth, decreased background fluorescence and thin optical sectioning for 3D-reconstructions. The microscope is a top of the line spectral point scanner equipped with 6 laser lines for excitation at 405nm, 458 nm, 488 nm, 514 nm, 561 nm and 633 nm. A motorized stage allows acquisition of Z-stacks and an environmental chamber makes it possible to control temperature and atmospheric conditions for live cell imaging. The unit has 10X EC Plan neofluar, 20X Apochromat, 40X EC Plan neofluar, 63X Apochromat and 100X oil Plan Apochromat objectives. Image acquisition and analysis is via the Zeiss Zen 2009 LE software platform.
Zeiss AXIO Imager M2 Upright Widefield Fluorescent Microscope
This is an upright fully motorized microscope, which includes a motorized stage that allows slide scanning (tiling) and acquisition of Z-stacks. The instrument is equipped with four filters that detect DAPI, GFP/488, Cy3 and Cy5 wavelengths. An Axiocam 105 digital color camera and a high-resolution Axiocam 506 digital monochrome camera are installed on the microscope, allowing acquisition of either color or monochrome images. Zen Image analysis software that includes deconvolution, colocalization and extended depth of focus is available on the instrument workstation and on a second workstation dedicated to image processing.
Leica CM195 Cryostat
Available for tissue-thin sectioning. High specimen stability is achieved by adherence to deeply grooved specimen discs. Specimens freeze quickly because the pre-cooled discs feature a large back surface that fully contacts the freezing shelf with integrated Peltier element. UVC disinfection minimizes risk of contamination by infectious material. AgProtect, an antimicrobial, nanosilver coating on all outside surfaces also minimizes contamination risk.
NeuroLeucida and Stereo Investigator from MBF Bioscience
Installed on a Zeiss Axio Skop upright microscope with a motorized stage and fluorescent capabilities, NeuroLeucida allows accurate reconstruction of cells permitting detailed morphometric analyses and 3D mapping. Stereo Investigator allows for unbiased estimates of the number, length, area and volume of cells or biological structures in a tissue specimen.
Cytospin Centrifuge
Available to aid in affixing cell preparations to glass slides prior to imaging and is able to processes 12 specimens at one time. The cytocentrifuge deposits cells onto a clearly defined area of a glass slide and constructively flattens cells for excellent presentation and staining.
Dedicated Computer Workstations
Two workstations are available for post-acquisition processing of images. One workstation has Zen Pro image analysis software that includes deconvolution and colocalization packages. Another Workstation has Bitplane Imaris software (v. 8.02) for quantitation and 3D-rendering.
- A tutorial video describing the image analysis features available in Imaris can be found in iLab.
Keyence BZ-X800E
An automated, all-in-one inverted digital microscope system equipped with 10, 20 and 40X objectives and filter cubes for detecting DAPI, GFP/488, Cy3 and Cy5 fluorochromes. The BZ-X800E includes powerful slide scanning capabilities that allow three slides at a time to be loaded for automated acquisition and stitching of bright field and/or fluorescence images. Stitching can also be combined with Z-stacking capability, which allows for capturing images within a range of focal planes that can then be projected as a single fully focused image. The instrument can accommodate a variety of sample formats including slides and standard tissue culture plates, dishes and flasks. The BZ-X800E comes equipped with an intuitive software platform that controls all objectives and filters. The included analysis software combines image correction tools with powerful quantification functions, including the haze reduction tool which instantly removes fluorescence blurring and enables visualization of weak fluorescence signals.