Services Offered

  • Guidance in appropriate construction of proposals to address NIH or other sponsor guidelines.
  • Understanding Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA).
  • Assistance with preparation or review of NIH Post-submission Materials, NIH or VA Just-in-Time Requests, NIH Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPR).
  • Works closely with PIs to provide scientific editing and experienced advice.
  • Assistance with preparing letters of intent, limited submissions, and developing a biosketch.
  • Facilities & Other Support guidance.
  • Develops cohesive and consistent documents by integrating all sections of research grant applications.
  • Interfaces with College of Medicine – Phoenix Directors of Operations and UAHS Research Administrators to prepare proposals for submission through UA Sponsored Projects in Tucson.
  • Materials Transfer Agreement guidance.
  • Data Use Agreements.
  • Data Management Plan guidance.

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Contact the Pre Award Team


About the Team

Megan Derksen, MS
Research Proposal Manager
Megan Derksen, MS

Carol Haussler
Manager, Research Grants and Contracts, Research Development

Carol Haussler

Carol Haussler served for 30 years as a research scientist at the University of Arizona Colleges of Medicine in Tucson and Phoenix. She has a scholarly record of 80 full-length publications, an h-index of 41 and is a successful co-author and administrator of several NIH research and small business grants. In 2010, Haussler transitioned to the Translational Research Office as the manager of Research Grants and Contracts, where she has supported UArizona College of Medicine – Phoenix investigators in the pre-award area with development, preparation and submission of proposals. Having managed a large research lab and consulted in the areas of cell biology, cell culture and experimental design, Haussler has developed a special interest in scientific editing and enjoys working one-on-one with faculty to develop all aspects of research proposals to ensure that each investigator submits their best effort for success in research funding.