Mental Health Expert Provides Tips to Cope with the Holidays November 30, 2020 Dr. Touch discussed tips for coping with mental health during holidays
Physician Discusses Eating Healthy During the Pandemic and Holiday Season November 20, 2020 Physicians are worried about the potential consequences from unhealthy habits during the pandemic
Physician Discusses COVID-19 and the Safety of Traveling During the Holidays November 19, 2020 Farshad Fani Marvasti, MD, MPH, discussed the safety of traveling during the holidays
Dr. Steven R. Brown Recognized with Exemplary Full Time Teaching Award September 16, 2020 Dr. Brown receives 2020 Exemplary Full Time Teaching Award
Faculty Development Fellowship Graduates 2020 Cohort June 16, 2020 The Primary Care Faculty Development Fellowship graduated its highest number of fellows.