High throughput Dicentric Chromosome Assay by Blood Sample Incubation during Shipment
It appears that there is a need for a technology for incubating blood samples during shipment that could dramatically improve the cycle time of the dicentric chromosome assay analysis for triage applications after a possible radiological or nuclear event. A more integrated lymphocyte counter/extractor is also needed for the field operation. Sponsor: DoD/CDMRP.
Core Sample Engineering, Center for Medical Countermeasures Against Radiation (CMCR)
The Center for Applied NanoBioscience and Medicine at the University of Arizona (ANBM) supports the CMCR team as the “Sample Engineering Core.” The function of the core is to advance pre-analysis strategies and methods, including sample collection, in-field preprocessing and transportation of samples. The core will leverage its expertise in microfluidic design, rapid prototyping, manufacturing processing engineering and assay development to create devices and protocols to strengthen the biodosimetry capabilities of each of the three projects. The core performs tasks in close coordination with the three projects to ensure accurate endpoints while maximizing throughput to automated laboratory analysis equipment already developed by this CMCR. Sponsor: NIH/NIAID (Columbia University).