Medical Students Partner with South Korea to Deliver Supplies to the Navajo Nation May 29, 2020 More than 10,000 N95 masks and 3.9 tons of supplies were donated on Memorial Day weekend
UA College of Medicine – Phoenix Faculty Member Helps Local Restaurants and Homeless Seniors During COVID-19 April 27, 2020 Labor of love between two friends sparks generosity
Medical Students Make Masks to Help Protect Physicians on Frontlines of Coronavirus Pandemic April 21, 2020 Medical students at the college are donating handmade masks to local hospitals
Thirty New Phoenix Physicians Graduate Early to Battle COVID-19 April 13, 2020 Young doctors-in-training choose to forgo traditional commencement to help the health care community with the pandemic
Banner – University Medical Center Phoenix Adds Accommodations to Help Geriatric Patients Navigate the Emergency Department April 09, 2020 Nimit Agarwal, MD, saw the need for a safer environment for patients 65 and older