Scholarly Project Profile: Patrick Mayolo March 17, 2023 Mayolo’s love for sports and medicine inspired research to improve patients’ mobility post-surgery
Scholarly Project Profile: Sabrina Dahak March 14, 2023 A blind spot in current melanoma research inspired medical student to bridge the gap
Annual Symposium Showcases the Four-Year Research Projects of Graduating Medical Students March 14, 2023 The culmination of four years of work, the project helps instill the importance of scholarly research
Globally Renowned Research Scientist Joins Phoenix Children’s, University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix March 13, 2023 Vladimir Kalinichenko, MD, PhD, is internationally renowned for his research in lung development and regeneration
Research Effectively Models Rotational TBI, Discovering Potential Neuroprotective Therapies March 02, 2023 The lab of James A. Bibb, PhD, published their findings in the journal Scientific Reports