Researchers Hope to Improve Radiation Testing July 13, 2018 Researchers at the college are attempting to create a better diagnostic test for radiation exposure
UA Researchers Develop Novel ‘Lung-on-a-Leaf’ Model to Study Pulmonary Diseases July 10, 2018 UA College of Medicine – Phoenix scientists cross-utilize plant biology, medicine and engineering to create novel platform
College Hosts Summer Research Internship July 06, 2018 High school students participate in a summer research internship offered by the Department of Basic Medical Sciences
Marriage May Help Prevent Heart Disease, Stroke June 26, 2018 Data analysis suggests that single, divorced and widowed individuals are at heightened risk for heart disease and stroke
Cervical Cancer May Be Driven by Imbalance in Vaginal Bacteria, UA Research Finds June 04, 2018 Researcher finds a direct relationship between “good” bacteria and cervical health and “bad” bacteria and cancer risk