The Rural Health Certificate of Distinction Friday, August 09, 2019 Program underscores the importance in training medical students in the care of rural and underserved populations
Commencement Profile: Nathan Goff May 02, 2019 Graduate Nathan Goff will continue training in emergency medicine at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center
UA College of Medicine Offers Rural Experiences to Students April 30, 2019 With the Rural Health Certification of Distinction (COD), third-year medical students can get first-hand exposure to rural health care
Physician Dedicates Career to Rural Medicine December 20, 2018 Judith Hunt, MD, Trains Rural Health Certificate of Distinction Students in Payson, Arizona
Class of 2018 Celebrated at Awards Luncheon May 08, 2018 The Senior Celebration Awards Luncheon on May 7 recognized the many achievements of the Class of 2018