Diversity is the greatest strength and a top priority of the Department of Translational Neurosciences and the University of Arizona. We encourage and foster a community that is inclusive, respectful and considers diversity to be a key part of our excellence. The University of Arizona has consistently been acknowledged as leading and setting the standard in diversity. We do this by proactively addressing key areas of diversity such as recruitment, retention, campus or department climate, community outreach, and other campus diversity goals. 

It is our policy to engage and educate our personnel on diversity and use recruiting, symposia, seminar series and hiring to achieve exemplary diversity at all levels within the department. We state and practice policies that limit behaviors that are counter to promoting equity and respect, provide mentors for underrepresented employees, and encourage group interactions that promote acceptance of each other as equals and that aim to educate everyone on the importance and value of cultural and gender diversity and the tapestry that adds value to our mission and our lives. Through these activities, we have increased understanding and promote constructive change and aim to continue these efforts to bring about greater equity.

For more information about equity, diversity, and inclusion at the University of Arizona, please visit: