All unassisted services for trained users with an approved research waiver or approved restart checklist will continue — provided users follow the safety precautions outlined below.
Limited assisted core services for cell sorting will be available for projects and proposals with grant deadlines. Samples for sorting will have to be left at a designated area with no face-to face-interaction during sorting.
Please contact Dr. Kala for details, planning sample sorting or questions.
Process for Leaving Sample for Sorting
- Lab member leaving the sample will contact the core director regarding the experiment and needs.
- Label all samples and controls appropriately and clearly.
- User will get samples in a closed container and will wear mask, gloves and a lab coat.
- Users will not be allowed to stay at the core lab.
- Contact Dr. Kala for the designated drop off area; disinfect the container holding the sample using 70 percent Ethanol or *Oxivir (provided by core).
- The core will contact the lab member once the sorting is done to pick up the samples.
- External assisted or unassisted usage is not available at this time.
- On-site equipment training will not be offered at this time. Remote training may be offered at the discretion of Dr. Kala and on a per case basis.
Safety Precautions for FCC during the COVID-19 Era
- Core users must wear a face covering and gloves upon entry into the facility and spray down the work areas with 70 percent Ethanol or *Oxivir (provided by core) before and after usage.
- Core users will schedule equipment usage using iLab online software as typical.
- Core users with questions regarding procedures or project consultation should contact Dr. Kala.
- Only one unassisted core user will be allowed in core area at a particular time.
*Oxivir: After spraying this, wait five minutes. Please do not use this on computer monitors.