
Brief Bio

Benjamin Conner
Benjamin Conner

Undergraduate: Pennsylvania State University
Medical School: University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix
Career Interests: PM&R
Why UArizona College of Medicine – Phoenix: I was excited to stay in Phoenix for another year and train as a resident at my home institution where I completed several of my medical school rotations. This program has a strong reputation for preparing residents for their advanced programs by establishing a robust foundation in medicine and personalizing elective rotations to one's area of interest.

Gabreielle Farley
Gabreielle Farley

Undergraduate: University of Louisville   
Medical School: University of Cincinnati
Career Interests: Radiology
Why UArizona College of Medicine – Phoenix: An amazing program dedicated to ensuring a vibrant, educational, and individualized preliminary year. And in the heart of downtown Phoenix – a fantastic community to live and work in. 

Nicholas Groth
Nicholas Groth

Undergraduate: The University of Arizona   
Medical School: The University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix
Career Interests: Diagnostic Radiology
Why UArizona College of Medicine – Phoenix: Born and raised in Arizona, I have deep roots in Phoenix and the proximity to my family and friends has been invaluable, providing me with a supportive network that is crucial during the demands of medical education. My experiences at this institution, particularly working alongside the dedicated residents and staff, have been profoundly rewarding. The collegial atmosphere, coupled with an eagerness to teach, significantly enhanced my learning experience during my rotations. I am confident that the University of Arizona College of Medicine in Phoenix offers the optimal environment to hone my skills and prepare me comprehensively for my residency. It is here that I see the greatest potential for my growth as a physician, supported by a community that values excellence, fosters professional development, and allows me to work within my community for a population I know well. This institution aligns perfectly with my career aspirations and personal values, making it my top choice for my preliminary year.

Scott Marquez
Scott Marquez

Undergraduate: Arizona State University
Medical School: The University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix
Career Interests: Anesthesiology
Why UArizona College of Medicine – Phoenix: I chose this program due to it being one of the best learning experiences I have had while rotating here during medical school. I enjoy the culture centered on student and resident learning, and know this program will prepare me well for my future career in anesthesiology.

Parth Parikh
Parth Parikh

Undergraduate: Vanderbilt University
Medical School: Mayo Clinic Arizona
Career Interests: Neuroradiology (possibly neurointervention)
Why UArizona College of Medicine – Phoenix: I chose to train at UArizona because I also did my medical school in Phoenix and have come to love the city, the people, and the incredible opportunities for training!

Tyler Vail
Tyler Vail

Undergraduate: Brigham Young University - Neuroscience
Medical School: The University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix
Career Interests: Physical medicine and rehabilitation, sports medicine
Why UArizona College of Medicine – Phoenix: My wife and I have loved living in Phoenix for medical school and are excited to stay in Phoenix for my prelim year. From my interview and rotation at UArizona College of Medicine – Phoenix I thought it was a program that would prepare me really well for my advanced program. I wanted a program that would give me excellent training and UArizona College of Medicine – Phoenix checked all the boxes.

Shannon Wessel
Shannon Wessel

Undergraduate: Washington University in St. Louis
Medical School: Chicago Medical School at RFUMS
Career Interests: Dermatology
Why UArizona College of Medicine – Phoenix: The program is collaborative and supportive! It is clear how much the program leadership, faculty,  administrators, and residents care about the program and the interns and want everyone to succeed. I also am excited to return to my home city to continue my medical training. 

Sophia Wix
Sophia Wix

Undergraduate: University of Southern California
Medical School: Burnett School of Medicine at TCU
Career Interests: Dermatology
Why UArizona College of Medicine – Phoenix: Born and raised in Phoenix, I am excited about the opportunity to give back to the vibrant Arizona community and learn alongside Arizona’s best physicians. This residency program is committed to the success of its residents and equips us with the tools needed to excel in any field.