Financial Aid Policies
Financial Aid Resources
- Cost of Attendance (Budget) Re-Evaluation Forms
Supporting Documentation Guidelines
If a student indicates their educational expenses are more than the standard cost of attendance, they will need to provide official documentation and explanation of these expenses. Below is a list of what specific documentation is acceptable for each potential category a student may be interested in increasing.
- Proof of Rent/Mortgage: Submit expenses for the student only. If married or living with roommates, the cost is split evenly between contributing household members. Additional expenses cannot be added if a student lives in military housing
- Proof of Utilities: Utility statements should be submitted for the previous 3 months. The student’s share is then averaged to calculate expenses.
- Food: A student may submit documentation within the Medical Category (ex. a note from a dietitian or DRC with estimated monthly costs) if the food expenses are due to a medical condition.
- Childcare/Dependent Care: Documentation may include a personal statement from caregiver, daycare bills, university daycare form, etc. The student can only include costs that accrue during the time of class.
- Books: Acceptable documentation includes itemized receipts of school books and supplies. It is unacceptable to provide screenshots of bookstore charges or receipts without an itemized list (Bursars receipts included).
- Transportation:
- Acceptable: Major vehicle repair (need itemized list in student’s name).
- Unacceptable: Routine Maintenance (oil changes, air filters, batteries etc.)
- Out of Pocket Medical Expenses: These are not included in a student’s budget. Students can include both one-time expenses (an eye doctor visit with new glasses) AND re-occurring expenses (medical treatments). Bills which indicate the “patient’s responsibility” should be provided.
- Computer: A student may request funding for a computer one time per academic career, this is already included in the MS1 (First-Year standard Cost of Attendance). We can accept a billing statement or an estimated print out. This can include hardware/software programs. Special documentation from their department is required for students who have computer expenses above $3000.