A Rite of Passage, the Class of 2028 Begins Their Journey in Medicine

For the Class of 2028 at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix, the White Coat Ceremony marks the beginning of more than just their studies. It is a symbolic welcome into a career dedicated to the pursuit of healing.

The next four years will be built upon the foundations of science, medicine, advocacy, professionalism and service. But, before they dive fully into their studies, this was a day for them to celebrate — amongst family, friends, fellow students and faculty — their acceptance to medical school and their calling to join the noblest profession.
Dean Fred E. Wondisford, MD, MS, MBA, opened the ceremony — which was held Friday, July 19, in the West Ballroom of the Phoenix Convention Center — sharing wisdom and guidance with the students on what was to come. “Each of you has your own why for choosing a career in medicine and a unique path that led you here. The experiences ahead will transform you from a talented, carefully selected student, into a skilled and compassionate physician,” he said. “But your why and your community, including your classmates and loved ones supporting you today, will sustain you.”
Those in attendance also heard from alumni speaker Kelley Saunders, MD, MPH, as well as keynote speaker, Michael Kupferman, MD, MBA, senior vice president of physician enterprise and president of Banner – University Medicine Division.
Dr. Saunders, program director of the college’s Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency and an alumna of the Class of 2014, shared insights into how she navigated her own path through medical school. “Be kind to yourself and to one another. The road is long and uphill. Your journey will be marked by your willingness to persevere through challenges just as much as it will be by your innate strengths and successes,” she said. “You will create lifelong friendships with those that you are sitting next to, and you will enrich this community.”
Dr. Saunders further provided the students with five sage tips to excel in their studies: 1.) To always keep a snack in their white coat pocket; 2.) To seek the wisdom of those with more experience than themselves; 3.) To use the resources available to them; 4.) To be able, approachable and available; and 5.) To follow their passions.

With 130 students, selected from more than 5,500 applicants, the Class of 2028 is the largest to join the College of Medicine – Phoenix since the campus opened in 2007. And they are one of the highest achieving, well prepared and diverse classes.
Nearly all the students entered their medical school having completed some form of clinical, research or volunteer service experience related to health care. Their median MCAT of 515 ranked in the 91st percentile. Their average overall and science undergraduate GPAs were the highest of the last 10 years. This cohort features the highest number of students with at least one Dimension of Diversity — educationally, geographically, socioeconomically or underrepresented in medicine.
Dr. Kupferman noted in his remarks how their distinctive perspectives will one day enhance the care they provide to the communities they serve. He then stressed the pillars of curiosity, discipline and compassion.
“Every great discovery in the practice of medicine began with a question. Nurture your curiosity,” he said. “Discipline is the backbone of your journey in medicine ... It is what will sustain you through the long hours of study, the intense clinical rotations and the inevitable challenges you will face in this profession.”

“Compassion is the heart of medicine and what this White Coat Ceremony is all about: keeping health care human — caring for and treating people, not conditions or symptoms,” he continued.
In their oath, recited in unison to close the ceremony, the Class of 2028 touched on many of those tenants. “I commit to care for myself, so I have the strength to care for others. I will continuously hone my knowledge, skills and craft. May I always remember why I pursue this calling and pursue it every day with gratitude and joy.”
Videos, Photos and More
- Videos:
- Photos from the event (More to come).
Class of 2028 Student Profiles
About the College
Founded in 2007, the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix inspires and trains exemplary physicians, scientists and leaders to optimize health and health care in Arizona and beyond. By cultivating collaborative research locally and globally, the college accelerates discovery in a number of critical areas — including cancer, stroke, traumatic brain injury and cardiovascular disease. Championed as a student-centric campus, the college has graduated more than 900 physicians, all of whom received exceptional training from nine clinical partners and more than 2,700 diverse faculty members. As the anchor to the Phoenix Bioscience Core, which is projected to have an economic impact of $3.1 billion by 2025, the college prides itself on engaging with the community, fostering education, inclusion, access and advocacy.