Our program offers a unique switching schedule (moving from internal medicine to pediatrics and vice versa) upfront. Our first-year residents experience their first 8 months of residency as four separate 2-month blocks. After that, they proceed through the remainder of training, switching every 4 months.

This change allows our new first-year residents to get a feel for the workflow of each categorical program more quickly. Additionally, with this unique switching method, our first-year residents are able to foster early connections, both personally and professionally, within our own program and with both categorical programs.

Continuity clinics run parallel to all blocks, regardless of their length, ensuring our residents never go prolonged periods without seeing pediatric or internal medicine patient populations.

Our program features a 16-month-long internship, ensuring 8 months in the role of the intern in both internal medicine and pediatric rotations. Our PGY-2 "super-terns" (yes, people call them this) benefit from a special time of learning in these 4 months. There is a brisk growth in confidence and autonomy without the added pressure of entering a supervising role too early.