Faculty Promotion
The promotion policies and procedures are managed by the Office of Academic and Faculty Affairs under the direction of the vice dean. Promotion procedures for U of A-employed faculty (tenure or career track) are outlined in the University Handbook for Appointed Personnel (UHAP) in Chapter 3.3.
Faculty are expected to demonstrate a promise of excellent performance in the educational, research, service, and clinical missions of the college as it applies to their specific track. Before starting the promotion process, review the criteria for track and rank to ensure you meet the requirements. If you have questions about your qualifications and readiness for promotion, speak with your department chair.
Promotion Deadlines
The College of Medicine – Phoenix uses a twice-a-year deadline schedule for all clinical faculty and non-tenure eligible (NTE) faculty. This will allow us to better align with the main campus and manage the promotion workflow.
The timeline for U of A-employed tenure and career track faculty has not changed. Those deadlines are driven by the Provost’s Office.
Review the 2024/2025 schedules below for the specific deadlines based on your track:
- Tenure (PDF)
- Career (Research or Educator) (PDF)
- Clinical and Non-tenure Eligible – Cycle 1 (PDF)
- Clinical and Non-tenure Eligible – Cycle 2 (PDF)
Review the 2025/2026 schedules below for the specific deadlines based on your track:
- Tenure (PDF)
- Career (Research or Educator) (PDF)
- Clinical and Non-tenure Eligible – Cycle 1 (PDF)
- Clinical and Non-tenure Eligible – Cycle 2 (PDF)
Clinical Faculty
This information is for all faculty who are on the Clinical Series or Clinical Scholar track.
Readiness for promotion as clinical faculty is determined by their body of work and involvement with the College. Typically, they have five to six years in their current rank (assistant or associate professor). Time in rank from another academic institution, as outlined in the CV, will be taken into consideration. Review the clinical track criteria (PDF) for additional qualifications.
When ready, apply for promotion by completing the online clinical promotion dossier. You will need your NetID and password to log in. For assistance with either, contact your faculty coordinator.
Once your promotion materials are uploaded, submit your dossier. Your faculty coordinator will be notified. Contact your coordinator if you have any questions throughout the promotion process.
For more information, including a review of the criteria and a walkthrough of the online dossier, watch the latest promotion workshop for clinical faculty.
Research, Educator Scholar or Professor of Practice Faculty
This information is for all faculty who are on the Research, Educator Scholar or Professor of Practice track.
All non-tenure eligible faculty should have six years in their current rank (assistant or associate professor) to be considered for promotion. Time in rank from another academic institution, as outlined in the CV, will be taken into consideration. Review the track criteria for additional qualifications.
When ready, apply for promotion by completing the required promotion dossier (use the career track version). The University's Provost Office provides an updated dossier and promotion workshops (recorded versions available) each spring. Here is the recording of the latest promotion workshop from our office.
Once your promotion packet is complete, submit it via email to your faculty coordinator. Include the names and contact information of your potential external evaluators. You may also contact your coordinator if you have any questions throughout the promotion process.
Tenure Faculty
This information is for tenure track faculty.
Tenure-eligible assistant or associate professors have a three-year mandatory retention review during the third year and a six-year mandatory promotion and tenure review during the sixth year. Tenure-eligible full professors have a three-year mandatory tenure review during the third year. The Office of Faculty Affairs will notify you when a mandatory review is required.
When ready, apply for promotion by completing the required promotion dossier (use the promotion & tenure version). The University's Provost Office provides an updated dossier and promotion workshops (recorded versions available) each spring. Here is the recording of the latest promotion workshop from our office.
Once your promotion packet is complete, submit it via email to your faculty coordinator. Include the names and contact information of your potential external evaluators. You may also contact your coordinator if you have any questions throughout the promotion process.
Promotion Resources
- Criteria for Track and Rank (all)
- Clinical Track Criteria (PDF)
- Online Clinical Dossier (clinical tracks)
- Traditional Promotion Dossier (tenure, career and non-clinical tracks)
- U of A Required CV Format (Word)
- CV Example for Clinical Faculty (PDF)
- CV Guide and FAQs (PDF)
- Personal Statement Guide for Clinical Faculty (PDF)
- Personal Statement Guide (PDF)
- Peer Evaluation: Clinical Teaching - Bedside and Case Presentations (PDF)
- Peer Evaluation: Clinical Teaching - General (PDF)
- Peer Evaluation: Lecture Teaching (PDF)
- Peer Evaluation: Small Group Teaching (PDF)