A graphic for the 2024 reimagine Health Research Symposium

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Symposium Objective

The 7th Annual reimagine Health Research Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Practice and Research concerns the emerging and rapidly growing use of AI and machine learning in medicine, with a focus on how AI can improve medical practice, in terms of diagnoses and medical forecasting, as well as applications, and on how AI can be used to accelerate medical research.  We will also discuss how this new technology will benefit both practitioners and patients and how it will better inform rapid acceleration of research progress, as it has in other fields.


The reimagine Health Research Symposium is co-sponsored and planned by the Arizona Biomedical Research Centre, the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix Translational Research Office and the Flinn Foundation.


Research Office Logo

Flinn Foundation Logo


For questions about the symposium or to become symposium sponsor, please contact the Translational Research Office.

Planning Committee

  • John S. Garcia, MBA, CPM – Program Director, Arizona Biomedical Research Centre, Arizona Department of Health Services.
  • Michael Fallon, MD, FACP – Executive Director for Clinical Research and Professor, Chair, Department of Medicine, and Vice Dean, Clinical Affairs, University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix.
  • Chris Glembotski, PhD – Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Director, Translational Cardiovascular Research Center, and Vice Dean, Research, University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix.
  • Mary O’Reilly, PhD – Vice President, Bioscience Research Programs, Flinn Foundation.
  • Bernadine Sadauskas, MS, CRA – Director of Operations, University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix.
  • Victor Waddell, PhD – Executive Director, Arizona Biomedical Research Centre.
  • Anna Valencia – Senior Director, Clinical Research Operations, University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix.
  • Casey Mazio – Program Manager, University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix.