Submit a Request

Complete the Translational Research Office Service Request Form to request assistance with lab access, lab training, lab services and equipment repairs.

For questions, please email


Principal Investigators at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix are responsible for ensuring that research performed under their leadership is conducted in a manner that protects laboratory personnel and the campus environment.

The Manager of Laboratory Operations, and the Translational Research Office assist Principal Investigators in complying with local, state, and federal regulations governing their research. Research Laboratory & Safety Services (RLSS) provides oversight with regards to key laboratory compliance regulations mandated by OSHA, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency (ARRA).

Laboratory training specific to the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix is provided by the Manager of Laboratory Operations ensure that researchers receive necessary safety training prior to working in research laboratories. Additionally, RLSS works directly with Principal Investigators to provide training to researchers working with hazardous chemicals, biohazardous, or radioactive materials. The Manager of Laboratory Operations assists new investigators with capital equipment purchases and establishing research laboratories at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix.

Weekly Services Provided

  • Dry ice deliveries – Mondays.
  • Laboratory coat laundry service – pick-up/drop-off on Wednesdays.
  • Biohazardous waste pick-up – Thursdays.
  • Lab Safety Orientation – Mondays at 4:00 p.m., or by appointment when conflicts arise. 

Courier Service

Please refer to the DCS Courier Service procedures (PDF) for detailed instructions regarding packaging, numbers to call for pickups and what information to provide. Service requests should be placed at least 24 hours in advance. Please contact the Translational Research Office with questions or concerns.

Service Quotes:

  • *College of Medicine – Phoenix to Tucson – $174.
    • *Based on 106 miles.
  • *College of Medicine – Phoenix to Tempe – $22.50 for two-hour service or $30 for four-hour service.
    • *Both based on 10 miles.

This is a same-day service. A car will be used for delivery. P-card payments are accepted. The DCS Courier Service contact is Auri Bittner,480 247-8560.

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