We are committed to the personal wellness of each member of our training program. We have dedicated Wellness Directors that organize monthly events and assist with connecting residents with community primary care physicians, child care, and mental health resources. This is our Wellness Website.
House Staff Wellness Space (Residency Downtime Space). The Residency Downtime space is in Tower 2, Pod 12-D at Banner University Medical Center Phoenix. There is a small gym, kitchen, lactation room, lounge, work space, prayer space, and locker rooms. It is open 24/7 and available to all medical trainees. We have a similar space at Phoenix Children’s Hospital.
Dedicated mental health providers on campus at both major hospitals provide confidential, convenient appointments for counseling on the Wellness website.
Cultivating Happiness in Medicine (CHIM): Biannual funding from Banner Health for residents to plan social events together.
Lactation Rooms. There is a dedicated lactation room for House Staff in the Medical Trainee Wellness Space in Tower 2, 12D with a lockable door, fridge, pump, and lockers. For additional lactations rooms throughout the hospital, please see the attachment.
Free Rides When Fatigued. Too tired to drive home after your shift? No worries, we want you to be safe and rested - the GME office will reimburse any ride share or taxi from the hospital to your home and back to the hospital the following day to retrieve your vehicle.
- BUMC Free and For Sale Facebook group for faculty and residents/fellows to sell household items
- Resident Housing Recommendations