It is the policy of the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix that students are allowed to apply to more than one Certificate of Distinction (COD). However, in the event that a student is accepted into more than one COD, the student may only pursue one in its entirety, and will receive only one COD upon completion.  Where available, a student may pursue an emphasis track within or across CODs, see specific COD syllabi for requirements.

Students may engage in COD activities, such as seminars, workshops or experiences, without being accepted into or declaring that particular COD.

Failure in any course* or receipt of three or more summative Level 1 ratings in behavioral competencies may render the student ineligible to continue towards completion of COD requirements, as determined by the COD director in consultation with the dean, foundational curriculum, dean, clinical curriculum, and dean, student affairs, or respective designees. Students wishing to appeal this decision may do so by submitting an appeal request, in writing, to the Student Progress Committee within 10 working days of receiving the initial decision.
The creation of any new COD must first be approved by the vice dean, undergraduate medical education and the undergraduate medical education leadership team/or designees, followed by final approval from the Curriculum Committee.

Course*= Any component of the curriculum where a grade is earned.

Curriculum Committee
  • Original Approval Date:
  • Revision/Reaffirmation Date:
  • Current Effective Date: