It is the policy of the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix that in the event that a faculty member (or members) becomes incapacitated and unable to teach a scheduled session within a course*, and no substitute presenter is identified, students are still responsible for and assessed on the posted material. 


Faculty-authored materials (such as handouts, PowerPoint presentations, etc.) will be posted on one45 for the session(s) as soon as they are available. If a faculty member has been incapacitated prior to authoring/updating/posting such materials, then the most recently archived materials will be used. If students have questions on the posted materials, they will be addressed by the course* director, or respective designee.

Course*- Any component of the curriculum where a grade is earned.

Curriculum Committee
  • Original Approval Date:
  • Revision/Reaffirmation Date:
  • Current Effective Date: