It is the policy of the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix that the grade in a clerkship/selective is based on the student’s overall performance in the educational program objectives (EPOs) during that clerkship/selective.


  1. The final grade will be determined based on a composite score derived from the clerkship/selective required components which are detailed in clerkship/selective syllabus.

  2. Clerkship/selective directors will report final grades within six weeks of the end of the clerkship/selective according to the Final Grades Reporting Timeline Policy.

  3. The grade will be divided into four categories: Honors, High Pass, Pass or Fail.

  4. The clerkship/selective director is responsible for final determination of each student’s final grade.

  5. An grade of Incomplete will be awarded: 

    1. If the student is at a site with limited assessors and the assessment has not yet been received.

      1. If this occurs, every effort will be made by the college to remedy this as soon as feasible.

    2. If the student has passed the examination, but has not completed their required activities.

    3. If the student has passed the clinical component, but failed the initial NBME shelf examination attempt and has not yet completed the retake. A student failing the initial examination is permitted a one-time retake examination. The student will work with the Office of Assessment and Evaluation (OAE) and the dean, clinical curriculum, or respective designee to schedule a retake exam during the next Personal and Professional Development (PPD) session or at a time that does not conflict with other curricular requirements.

    4. If the student is unable to complete the clerkship/selective requirements as stipulated in the syllabus, due to a legitimate reason (for example medical/personal), then the reason must be corroborated by the dean, student affairs, or respective designee in conjunction with the dean, clinical curriculum, or respective designee and appropriate relevant offices, e.g., Campus Health Services or the Disability Resource Center (DRC). 

      1. If the student has successfully completed a minimum of two weeks* of the required clerkship/selective, the student will not be required to restart the clerkship/selective. 

      2. If a student has not completed a minimum of two weeks* of the required clerkship/selective, the student may still be eligible for a grade of Incomplete on their transcript in the setting of an approved reason for an unplanned departure from the curriculum (see above).

      3. In the event a student receives a grade of Incomplete in a clerkship/selective, the clerkship/selective director will delineate, at their own discretion, via the final grade form in the curricular management system, the steps and timeline to successfully complete all required course elements. A plan for completion of the clerkship/selective examination may not involve a direct week-by-week completion, as clinical sites may have additional requirements or stipulations about length of time on service. Students should be aware that makeup shifts for clinical absences may involve weekend and evening shifts, or may be scheduled in the near future, including during holiday weeks, when necessary to ensure students have adequate opportunity to complete course requirements and maintain duty hours.    

      4. Successful completion of all required elements by the date stipulated will result in a grade change from a grade of Incomplete to grade earned (H/HP/P/F). Failure to complete all required elements by the time stipulated will result in a grade change from Incomplete to Fail.

    5. A grade of Incomplete automatically reverts to a Fail on the transcript after one calendar year if the clerkship/selective grade has not been posted.
      1. If an approved leave of absence is the reason the clerkship/selective is not completed within one calendar year, a student will receive a “W” (Withdraw) on their transcript and will be required to reenroll in the clerkship/selective.
    6. Withdrawing from a clerkship/selective: In the event that a student begins but then withdraws from a clerkship/selective without the coordinated approval by the dean, student affairs,or respective designee and the dean, clinical curriculum, or respective designee, the student’s transcript will reflect a “W” regardless of the amount of time spent on the rotation.
  6. All Year 3 clerkship grades of Incomplete and Fail must be resolved before starting any year 4 patient care electives, selectives, or clerkships.

    * Two weeks: To receive credit for two week’s effort on the clerkship, the student must complete the expected requirements as determined by the clerkship director and site director for that particular clerkship. A clinical work week is defined as up to six (6) days on service with one day off therefore, to be eligible for a grade of Incomplete, the student must successfully complete 10 to 12 days in the clinical setting, as determined by the clerkship/selective director. 

  7. Posting a grade replacing the Incomplete will take place within two weeks after receipt of the following: 

    1. Evaluation from the clerkship/selective site.

    2. Completion of the required activities.

    3. Receipt of score on the retake of the shelf examination.

  8. A student who posts two Incomplete grades in year 3 or 4 must finish the incomplete units before beginning a new clerkship/selective. Exceptions may be considered by the dean, student affairs, and dean, clinical curriculum, or respective designees. 

  9. A student who retakes an examination because of failing on the first attempt is not eligible for a final clerkship/selective grade of Honors or High Pass. 

  10. Failure of clerkship/longitudinal integrated clerkship (LIC) term/selective:

    1. See clerkship/LIC/selective syllabus for details of what constitutes failure in a specific clerkship/LIC term/selective.

    2. If a student fails a clerkship/LIC term/selective, the student will be required to repeat the clerkship/LIC term/selective. This means that the student must complete all components and requirements for the clerkship/LIC term/selective (i.e., completion of examination and of clinical requirements).

    3. Failure of the same clerkship/selective is grounds for dismissal per the Dismissal Policy. Failure of one LIC term will be considered a single failed clerkship regardless of the number of specialty clerkships assigned to that term.

  11. Each student will be rated on the individual EPOs within the six behavioral competency domains. Criteria for assigning a Level 1 are outlined in the clerkship/selective syllabus. See Competency Assessment Policy and Level 1 Competency Appeal Policy.
  12. In-person formative feedback with written documentation is required during all clerkships. Formative feedback is required in all selectives if the student is at risk of not meeting expectations in one or more of the EPOs.
  13. Students must complete core clerkships in Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Surgery prior to progressing to Year 4.  Exceptions may be considered by the dean, student affairs, and dean, clinical curriculum, or respective designees.
Curriculum Committee
  • Original Approval Date:
  • Revision/Reaffirmation Date:
  • Current Effective Date: