Face Covering Student Compliance Guidelines

All faculty, staff and employees — including tutors — have the authority and responsibility to effectively manage their work environments to achieve compliance with university policies. Remembering to carry and properly wear a face covering requires creating new habits, so it is expected that reminders may be needed initially. Non-compliance with the directive may be due to forgetting, losing or willfulness. In such cases, employees, faculty and staff — including tutors — should follow this series of steps, as far as needed, to resolve the matter:

Step 1

  • Partner to solve the immediate concern: 
    • Ask the student if they have a face covering with them, and, if they do, ask them to please put it on.
    • And/or ask the student to leave the space to retrieve a covering.

Step 2

  • If the student persists in being non-compliant with the face covering directive (e.g., does not put on a face covering when asked, or leaves the class but returns without a face covering), direct the student to leave the space.

Step 3

  • If the student persists in being non-compliant with the directive from an employee, staff member, faculty or tutor to leave the space, request support to remove the student:
    • ​​​​​​​Inform the student that security will be called to remove the student. If the student persists in being non-compliant with the request to leave the space, proceed to call security for support in removing the student from the space. 
    • In accordance with ABOR policy 5-308 (Student Code of Conduct), the University will hold students accountable for their off-campus conduct if it presents a health, safety or security risk to the University community.
    • If a student engages in disruptive behavior by (a) repeatedly presenting in U of A’s spaces without a face covering, even after a written warning has been issued, and/or (b) refuses to leave such spaces when requested to do so because of not wearing a face covering, and/or (c) by disrupting the ability to carry out classroom or other activities, the employee/faculty/staff/tutor should document the disruptive behavior and report to the associate dean of Students.
    • Once a complaint has been submitted, the student will be prohibited from returning to the learning space or other space until they have met with the dean of Students Office staff.